#5 Favorite Design Feature: Unique Light

As January is upon us, I had to spend more time than usual with my Office Manager hat on and do the part of the job that’s not my favorite like sending out 1099’s, moving out old files and making room for the new year, etc.   It’s not my favorite part of the job, but I know is important.  Thankfully, within a few days I was able to put my Designer hat back on and continue to work on selections for our upcoming Parade entry.


Meanwhile, in between all of that, I have to find time to put on my Marketing Director hat where I’ve been getting new signs made, updating our website, taking photos and videos of our newest completed project, planning some realtor events,  and of course trying to fit in time for this blog series.


If you’ve read any of my previous blog posts you may know one of my favorite Design meetings is Lighting Selections.  Over the years I’ve gotten to see a lot of beautiful and interesting light fixtures.  I view light fixtures as a piece of jewelry on the perfect outfit–the finishing touch that catches the eye but complements its surroundings.  I love how light fixtures contribute to the overall style of the home, make a statement, or serve a special function.

collage with border

This year we had the pleasure of working with a military family that has traveled all over the world.  From their worldly travels, they had seen a beautiful blown glass fixture they absolutely loved and wanted to incorporate the same concept in their new custom home.   Unfortunately, custom blown art-glass translates into $$$$.  Our goal was to find a way to accomplish the look they wanted in a more realistic budget.

That’s where Carla, with Lights Unlimited, comes in.  Carla is my “go to” lighting resource.  As usual, she snapped into action and found us some beautiful glass pendants  that came in various colors.  Next, we wanted to achieve the multiple colored globes arranged in varying lengths.  Carla had the idea to order a canopy separate plus each pendant separate so we could get varying colors and manipulate the chord lengths to achieve the varying lengths.   We left the showroom excited with the concept.

Now the hard part. . . installing this masterpiece onsite.

Although the overall fixture price wasn’t as costly as a custom blown- glass piece of art like their original inspiration, this fixture alone took a large portion of their lighting allowance.  So now we have a multi- piece light fixture that has to be assembled in a unique way that has never been done before, that costs a considerable amount of money, and we only have one shot at getting this right.  No pressure.


I spent the morning onsite with our Electricians, Parnell Electric,  to help make sure my client’s vision became a reality.  It took a few hours of strategically placing the globes in just the right order and at varying heights but we finally got it assembled and hung with no catastrophes. (Great job, guys!)

And the light turned out AMAZING and our clients were thrilled with the result.

Unfortunately, these pictures don’t do it justice from seeing it in person, but hopefully you can get a sense of its unique beauty.  It really makes a statement in that Kitchen and made it on my Top 10 Design Features from 2018.

Join me next week when we look at a new twist on an everyday space.



About Jarman Homes

Neil and Joy Jarman are a husband and wife team that specialize in Custom Home building and remodeling. Neil's hands-on engineering and contractor skills combined with Joy's design and marketing expertise work hand in hand to create a unique and customized experience for clients.
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